SAL SUNDAY – Ravenhill Herb Farm #5

I am sure I will not be on my own in saying it has been too hot for crafting. My hands have been constantly wet and sticky and so little has been achieved. I did finish the 4th hedged garden and just have the 3rd one to do now. However I am not happy with some of the stitches in this one which is why I did the supposedly 4th one before the third lol. I have tried the stitches I am unfamiliar with but apart from one they seem messy and over fussy with three or 4 stitches that are different colours on top of each other. I think this is going to have to be changed to something I am happy with though what I haven’t a clue. Anyway this is where I was three weeks ago.

and this is now.

As everyone in this group works on their own individual project, the aim being to encourage each other with unfinished projects, there is so much variety for you to see. So grab a coffee and go browse, but do remember that we are scattered all around the world and allow for time zones.


All for now,

Hugs to those who need them

About stitchingranny

I am one of those people who need to have busy hands so whether its stitching or papercrafting, I am always doing something. I also love being in the garden, though hubby does most of the work there these days.
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19 Responses to SAL SUNDAY – Ravenhill Herb Farm #5

  1. claire93 says:

    yep it’s been hot and sticky here too ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cathie J says:

    I am very thankful for my central air conditioning during the hot summer months. I hope you master some of those stitches and figure out other pretty stitches to put in the 3rd area. I am loving this pretty piece.


    • Thanks Cathy. I am going to get some other sampler charts out and borrow bits from them I think. We get the really hot weather so very rarely in the UK that air con would be a very expensive and largely unnecessary luxury. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lindashee says:

    I think it’s looking beautiful, not sure what I would change ! Hot here too, and very little stitching although I have no excuse, I don’t sweat much, I just suffer the heat internally 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • The heat never bothered me when I was young but now as I have all the other bits and bobs that come with old age, the heat makes me so tired and my hands and face get very hot and sticky. xx


  4. Renee says:

    I am so sorry you are not happy with this piece. It is absolutely beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The most important thing is that you’re happy with the finished result. I think it looks lovely!


  6. wybrow1966 says:

    So hot! I rather like the design, I think that some of the stitches remind me of canvas work stitches – they do add texture as well as colour. You have done a lovely job so far.


  7. rutigt says:

    Yes, it´s hot! Your garden looks lovely!


  8. kathyreeves says:

    Hot here too! We have been freezing containers of water, and putting them in front is the fans during the hottest part of the day, and that does help. I think those borders look fine as is!


  9. Happy with what I have done so far Kathy, but not happy with what is supposed to go into the next garden, but will just borrow bits from other pattern. xx


  10. craftycreeky says:

    It’s hot here too! I love all the different stitches, Looking forward to seeing how your garden grows 🙂


  11. Carole says:

    The weather is going from one extreme to another, isn’t it. So, so hot and humid but at the moment the thunder is so loud it sounds like the roof is caving in and it’s hailing.
    I love the design on this so far and the stitching is so neat. I’m sure you’ll come up with the perfect stitches for the next section 🙂


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