Dubrovnik – (picture heavy)

We have been back from Dubrovnik for a few days now. All the washing etc associated with hol’s is now done and pictures are sorted so I am ready to share a few with you. I hope you enjoy

DSCF2812 Oz having breakfast on our tiny, but pretty, balcony. Below was a tiny garden and then the city walls and the sea.
DSCF2813DSCF2818Views from our bedroom window the island on your right is Locrum Island.
DSCF2822DSCF2820 Ozzies bedroom looked over the old town and out to the old town harbour.

DSCF2821DSCF2815 and the views from the kitchen. It was hard to come home and look out of the window to just see other houses, after a week of these fantastic views.

VIEWS OF THE OLD TOWN taken on our tour of the old city walls.


the Maritime Museum and Aquarium just outside the city walls


looking down the main street of the old town inside the walls.(EDITED TO SAY) for some reason this picture shows blurred on my computer. I have tried removing and reloading but its still the same, however if you click to enlarge it then it will be perfectly clear again. Sorry about that.


Our tiny balcony view from the City Walls

DSCF2843 Someone needed a rest
DSCF2845 The old harbour. (There is a new harbour where the big cruise ships come in but it is further round the coast.)
OUR APARTMENT You may now realise why we had such fantastic views, though there was a price to pay in the amount of steps we had to climb each night. I kept telling myself it was good exercise and I would lose weight. Exercise it may have been but I did not lose any weight in fact quite the opposite unfortunately – not that I would blame the best ice cream we have ever tasted it would have been sinful not to eat at least one everyday.

Breakfast in the old town


As we looked out over the beautiful Locrum Island every morning we had to take a ferry to see it at close range.  It is a lovely island with beautiful woodland walks and an old monestry.  Though I took lots of pictures most of them were too dark to see.  However I did manage a few of the lovely peacocks that roam everywhere.



DSCF2892Not always easy to spot when they are up in the trees
DSCF2889 Many like this one seemed to be of a blue and white mix.


We decided to have a day out and visit the historic city of Mostar, many people will remember this from the iconic bridge which featured so much on the news during the wars in the early 1990’s.

It was a wonderful day with stops at Ston and Han Positelj on the way to Mostar.

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The Franjo Tudman Bridge near Port Gruz (where the cruise ships dock).
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some pictures of our stop in Ston, the wall you can see in the background is 2nd only to the great wall of china and stretches for miles.


Han Positelj is just a tiny village but it was very pretty as most of the villages are in this region.

DSCF2931 The Iconic Mostar Bridge.




After the war the people of Mosta, wanted to replace there Iconic bridge, which had been blown up during the bombing. As they wanted to build in the way it had been done centuries earlier, they built this mini version first to practice the skills of times so long past.



diver at mostar Another thing this bridge is famous for is the divers and just in case you couldn’t spot this one (picture on the right) I blew up the relevant part for you on the left.

and one last picture of Us with our darling little!! grandson who will become a teenager later this month.

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my pictures. I do hope you enjoyed them all.


About stitchingranny

I am one of those people who need to have busy hands so whether its stitching or papercrafting, I am always doing something. I also love being in the garden, though hubby does most of the work there these days.
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6 Responses to Dubrovnik – (picture heavy)

  1. Colette says:

    What lovely photos Helen, it looks like you had a wonderful time. I’m glad the boys wore hats in that heat, where was yours? Xxx


  2. Cavtatlady says:

    You photo which you caption Maritime Museum is incorrect. The photo is of Fort Lovrijenace, which is part of the city wall but located in our Pile bay. Pleased that you enjoyed my home.


    • Thank you for correcting us. It was another English tourist who told us what it was and we assumed he knew what he was talking about, but obviously not. I will try and mention the correction in my next post (memory permitting). I have been to different parts of Croatia a few times in the past, when it was the former Yugoslavia, and though the war damaged many building (and the lives of people of course) it has done nothing to dim the beauty of the county itself.


  3. Jan Doling says:

    I really enjoyed reading your holiday post and viewing your lovely photos. Dubrovnik certainly looks a very scenic and interesting place to visit. I cannot get over how much Oscar has grown, I am sure he enjoyed exploring and learning about the history of the country. xx


  4. He certainly has grown Jan, but at the moment he is still the same sweet little boy on the inside. I do hope becoming a teenager doesn’t alter that too much, and yes he loved every minute of it.


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